'The Values Microbiome' Animation

Date: 2022
Role: Illustrator and Motion Graphics Animator
Type: Professional Freelance Project 
I was offered the opportunity to work with scientist from the ARC Centre of Excellence in Synthetic Biology (COESB.) They wanted an animated video that explained the importance of using values in scientific methodologies. 
It was believed a scenario based between two scientists would be a good way to tell this story that would be relatable for the audience. The early iterations for this storyboard were provided by the team I was collaborating with.
Storyboard Iterations
I went through two iterations of storyboards. A script was provided early on which helped with being about to know how to create designs that were relevant to the story. The initial storyboards were outlined based, with the intention of mapping out where elements would be. Afterwards I created designs that were intended to act as style frames which could be later animated.
Animating in After Effects
After Effects was used to animate the style frames. As the illustrations were photoshop files this meant individual layers could be separately animated. The process took a lot of organising and careful coordination to ensure that layers were in the correct order.
Publication of the Video
The final video was uploaded to ARC CoESB's website and was shared also at a conference where it was positively received. A study was also conducted on the use of an animation to communicate this information and found that it helped improve scientists engagement with the topic by 10%.
Final Video
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